Jerry Dewitt Raney will stand trial for the 2006 murder of his step daughter Sara Smart. Since January of 2007, Raney has a whole slew of charges ranging from Domestic Assault and Battery by Strangulation to Murder in the First Degree. I was so pleased to read that he had finally been bound over to District Court and was going to be tried for the murder of Sara Smart. You can follow is court case
here (just type in his last name then first name to find his cases). I am hoping and praying that our court system does not fail. Of course I firmly believe in Innocent until Proven Guilty, however there are just some cases that hit home to me where I forget about due process. I get mad and that's when I say forget the legal system let's just put them in the middle of town and hang them!
You no when stuff like this happens it really makes me question things in life. How and why do bad things happen to innocent people? I no God has a plan for all of us, but sometimes it just doesn't seem rite or fair. I just hope and pray that this sweet girl's family can find some closure after the trial is over.