Brian Shaffer
Brian Shaffer has been missing since April 1, 2006. He had been with a group of friends that night at the Ugly Tuna Saloona located in Columbus, Ohio at
1546 N. High Streetm Columbus, Ohio 43201 (In The Campus Gateway. The last time anyone saw him again he was outside the bar at the top of an escalator talking to a couple of girls. Then he simply vanished. I don't know Brian personally and just happened to stumble upon his site (like I do most missing persons cases). According to the website that has been set up he was in his second year at Ohio State University as a medical student, was in a happy relationship and had no reason leave town without telling anyone. Please take a moment to visit his website. You never know maybe you might know something and not even realize it. This is just one of the hundreds of cases that baffle me. How could this man just disappear off the face of the earth?? There is someone out there that knows!!
DOB: 02-11-1979 (27 y/o at time of disappearance)
Height: 6'2" Weight: 160 - 170
Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown
Body Art: Pearl Jam Symbol Tattooed on upper right arm
Click on the picture below and it will take you directly to his website.
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